Student Organization

The mission of the Student Organization Office (SOO) is to promote student involvement as an integral part of a University education, register student organizations, and provide services, information, education, support, and advising to assist with the development and strengthening of students and student groups. Working with university and community partners, including student group advisors, alumni, and national organizations, and through education on university resources, policies, and procedures, SOO provides leadership development, organizational management, and skill development opportunities in an effort to empower students, to support quality learning experiences outside of the classroom, and to encourage active, thoughtful, involved community citizens.

Student Government Association (SGA)

Bases on its Constitution, SGA works closely with the administration at Columbus Central University to address student issues and serve as the interface between the student body and the faculty. SGA offers resources to make students’ educational experience a success. First, Note Service, the campus copy and supply center, reproduces and distributes professors’ actual lecture notes and sells medical school supplies, snacks, and CCU paraphernalia. Second, SGA publishes “ CCU News,” a monthly newsletter that contains interviews, campus news, current medical events, articles from fellow CCU students, social activities, a photo gallery, and more. Finally, tutorial services are available.

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

The American Medical Student Association provides health care events for the community and gives members the opportunity to gain hands-on medical experience. For example, AMSA offers monthly Diabetes screenings free of charge and clinical workshops open to all students that focus on perfecting basic clinical skills. For more information, please visit

Clinical Research Society

Students who are members of the Clinical Research Society demonstrate the highest levels of academic performance and have the opportunity to interact intellectually amongst themselves, professors, and other experts in the medical field. Students use the latest cutting-edge technology to conduct anatomical research and their work is regularly submitted to recognized medical journals.


The mission of this organization would be to facilitate the integration of women into the field of medicine at all levels. It is dedicated to the enhancement of personal growth, promoting gender balance in administrative and faculty appointments and sponsoring education events for the Columbus Central University community to further the cohesion of all medical students.


The ISA promotes Indian culture and heritage among students, faculty, staff and the local population of CCU. Membership is free and open to all students of the University. ISA encourages members from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds to share their cultural experiences with the group. Celebrations of important festivals and social events will be sponsored by ISA throughout the school year.


The MSA hosts several special events such a welcome dinner for new incoming students and Eid in November and February. Meetings are held monthly and are open to all students and spouses.


This Christian group is open to all students and is non-denominational and Bible based. Students can play musical instruments and the worship service is led by fellow students.


The mission of this organization is aimed at exposing Jewish culture and identity to all participants. This group is open to all students. The Jewish Students Club maintains strong affiliations on campus and celebrate almost all major holidays. The club will also organize Sabbath dinners as often as possible.